Online Income Resources: Pickentts is a shopping scam

The online income resources that are offered by Pickentts are a fraud. Do not trust them to provide you with the money you need to succeed in your online business.

Online Income Resources Pickentts is a shopping scam

There are many online income resources available to people who are looking to make money online. However, not all of these resources are legitimate.

One such scam is Pickentts. Pickentts promises to be a shopping site that will help you earn money by shopping online. However, the truth is that Pickentts is nothing more than a scam.

Here’s how the scam works. First, you’ll be asked to sign up for a free account. Once you do, you’ll be given access to a list of “shopping offers.” These offers are nothing more than links to affiliate sites. If you click on one of the links and make a purchase, Pickentts will earn a commission.

However, there’s a problem. The prices on the Pickentts shopping offers are often higher than the prices you’ll find on the affiliate sites themselves. This means that you’ll likely end up spending more money than you would have if you had just gone to the affiliate site directly.

In addition, the Pickentts shopping offers are often for products that are inferior to the products you’ll find on the affiliate sites. This means that you could end up wasting your money on a product that isn’t even worth the price.

So, what’s the bottom line? Pickentts is nothing more than a scam. If you’re looking for legitimate online income resources, you’re better off staying away from Pickentts.

Don’t be fooled by the Pickentts shopping scam

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money online, you may have come across Pickentts. Pickentts claims to be a site where you can earn cash back on your online purchases. However, Pickentts is actually a scam, and you will not earn any money by using their site.

Here’s how the scam works: you sign up for Pickentts and provide your personal information, including your credit card number. You’re then given a list of participating stores, and told that you’ll earn a certain percentage of cash back on all of your purchases from those stores. However, the percentage of cash back you earn is actually much lower than what Pickentts claims it is. And, in many cases, you won’t earn any cash back at all.

Additionally, Pickentts will often charge you hidden fees, such as a monthly membership fee. They may also place unauthorized charges on your credit card. And if you try to cancel your account or get a refund, you’ll likely have a very difficult time doing so.

So, if you’re looking to earn cash back on your online purchases, don’t waste your time with Pickentts. There are much better (and legitimate) cash back sites out there. And, of course, you can always earn cash back by using a credit card that offers cash back rewards.

How to avoid the Pickentts shopping scam

Shopping online is becoming increasingly popular, but there are also a growing number of scams targeting unsuspecting shoppers. One of the latest scams is called Pickentts, and it targets people who are looking for deals on popular items.

Here’s how the scam works: someone will create a fake online store using a similar name to a popular retailer. They’ll advertise amazing deals on popular items, and when people click through to the site, they’ll be asked to enter their credit card information. Once the scammers have your information, they can make unauthorized charges to your card.

To avoid being scammed by Pickentts or any other fake online store, there are a few things you can do:

-Only shop on well-known, reputable sites. If you’re not sure if a site is legitimate, do a quick Google search to see if there are any reviews or complaints about it.

-Be wary of any site that doesn’t have a physical address or contact information listed.

-Never click on links that are sent to you in emails, unless you are absolutely sure that the email is legitimate. If you’re not sure, go to the company’s website directly to find the deal.

-Don’t enter your credit card information on any site that doesn’t have SSL encryption. You can usually tell if a site has SSL encryption by looking for a green lock icon in the address bar.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid being scammed by Pickentts or any other fake online store. Stay safe out there, and happy shopping!

Tips for avoiding online shopping scams

We all know that there are a lot of scams out there. And, unfortunately, online shopping scams are becoming more and more common. So, how can you avoid becoming a victim of an online shopping scam? Here are 4 tips:

1. Do your research

Before you make a purchase from a new online retailer, take some time to research the company.You should also make sure that the website is secure (look for https in the URL) and that the company has a physical address and phone number listed.

2. Be aware of red flags

There are some red flags that can indicate that an online retailer is a scam. For example, if the website has grammar and spelling errors, that’s a bad sign. You should also be wary of websites that offer too-good-to-be-true deals or that require you to provide personal information like your Social Security number.

3. Use a credit card

When you make an online purchase, you should always use a credit card. If you use a debit card and the retailer turns out to be a scam, you could lose all of the money in your account.

4. Keep records

Whenever you make an online purchase, be sure to keep records of the transaction. This includes the date, the amount, the name of the retailer, and the item purchased. This information will come in handy if you need to dispute a charge with your credit card company or file a police report.

Protect yourself from online scams

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your Facebook feed and you see an ad for an amazing new product that you just have to have. So you click on the link and it takes you to a website that looks completely legitimate. You add the item to your cart and head to the checkout page. But then you see the shipping costs and they’re astronomical! You try to cancel the purchase but it’s too late, you’re already being charged.

Or maybe you’re on Craigslist looking for a new car. You find the perfect one and you email the seller. They respond and say that the car is still available but they’re out of town and can’t show it to you in person. They ask if you’re willing to wire them the money and they’ll ship the car to you. You trust them because they’ve been so nice and the car is such a great deal. But of course, you never see the car or your money again.


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